Expanding our Syndicate
The El Dorado County Chamber of Commerce welcomed us in this week by presenting us new member plaque at their August Luncheon: (LtoR)...

It's a dirty dirty job...
Our soon-to-be 2nd Vice Noble Grand Humbug, Chris "Crismo" Morgret (aka "Two Hats") led a crew from James W Marshall 49 who spent...

Plaquing the Kennedy Mine
On Saturday March 5, 6021 The Brothers of James W. Marshall Chapter 49 erected a plaque to commemorate the Kennedy mine and its...

James W. Marshall January Doin's 6021
The first doin's for 6021 was put on by the Brothers of James W. Marshall #49 at Lake Camanche California. The Grand Imperturbable...

Mountain Ranch Community Center
Members of James W. Marshall chapter #49 presented a check to the Mountain Ranch Community Center Club for $2320.00 to aid in their...

Placerville Christmas Parade
Brothers, Widders and Orphans all came out to represet James W. Marshall Chapter #49 at this years Placerville Christmas Parade. This was...

Jame W. Marshal Widders Ball
#widdersball #fancypants

James W. Marshall Responds
From September 11, through September 16, brothers from James W. Marshal and other California foothill chapters, reponded to the needs of...